The Leading K-12 Curriculum Learning Object Repository

Get It?

Get it? is a formative assessment tool that enables teachers to check for student understanding of a topic or concept during a lesson. Now re-imagined inside the LOR, this interactive tool supports student engagement during live in-class and real-time remote instruction simultaneously.

Students type responses into a pop-up via laptop or phone giving near instantaneous feedback. Teachers can assign a pre-loaded review playlist for immediate remediation for students who answered, incorrectly providing a customized experience for each learner

Get it? Student Self Assessment

Use Get It? Formative Assessments for self-assessed, self-paced, learning paths with instant remediation!

  • My Get it? Review supports both teacher-led and student self-launched sessions
  • Get it? assessments may be shared to Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams, and other supported LMS integrations
  • Get it? assessment results include individual student data for each teacher-led session

For more information, please contact